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How to Simplify LTC Prescription Drug Spend with Adjudication

Software Automation Transforms Pharmacy Bill Transparency.

Are you a long-term care (LTC) administrator charged with enforcing pharmacy contract terms and pricing? 
If so, we feel for you.

The sheer number of line items on a LTC pharmacy bill speak to the heavy burden you have. Luckily there is help, but it depends on your pharmacy partners. Some pharmacies can implement measures that prevent these rules from being broken in the first place. These “front end” adjudication options employ technology in identifying off-formulary drugs, or establishing quantity limits for example, and prevent pharmacies from filling orders that violate these rules. With the right technology, alerts can also be sent to facilities, notifying clinicians when they are prescribing outside of recommended parameters. 

While front-end adjudication—preventing unnecessary line items from ever appearing on a pharmacy bill—is considered best practice, this option is not always available. 

Stop chasing your tail. Take control. 

SRX point-of-sale adjudication software empowers administrators to easily recoup credits while holding pharmacies accountable to all rebates. SRX software automation transforms transparency with reports that analyze all drug claims, identify pricing discrepancies, and prevent waste related to drug utilization. 

By integrating technology into your facility pharmacy relationship, SRX adjudication software does three things:

  • Increases accountability. Enforce rules and contract terms, like contract rates and preferred or excluded drugs.
  • Reduces waste. Wish you could automate restrictions on things like quantity, maximum day supply, or refill-too-soon orders? Now you can.
  • Take control. Our technology allows you to set max cost thresholds, improve billing accuracy for compounds and IVs, and even require signed therapeutic interchange letters.

Embrace technology so you can stop chasing. 

SRX technology aims to make administrators’ lives easier. To learn more and take advantage of a free consultation, contact us today 833 633 6833.

SRX is a technology and advisory company that helps LTC operators realize the lowest net cost on pharmacy spend. We help our customers improve drug utilization, manage pharmacy relationships, reduce costs and waste, and maximize rebates. We are committed to transparency and accountability and guarantee our quarterly rebates are paid on time, every time. 

Learn more about our technology solutions.

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